Global View Investment Blog

Finding the Right Financial Advisor in Greenville, SC

Written by Joe Hines | 6/16/23 9:19 PM

As a high-earning professional who has accumulated substantial wealth, you're often tasked with juggling the rigors of your career while managing your financial affairs, which can sometimes feel like walking a tightrope. Whether you're on the brink of retirement, planning a relocation to Greenville, SC, or looking for ways to pursue financial independence, now may be the right time to consider working with a seasoned financial advisor.


However, finding the right financial advisor in Greenville, SC, is more complex than picking a name from a directory. Ideally, it’s about finding a fiduciary — a professional legally obligated to act in your best interests, provide unbiased guidance, and be paid solely by you (fee-only) rather than commissions on the products they sell for third parties (mutual fund companies, insurance companies). Since this is your hard-earned wealth, you should find a financial advisory team who prioritizes your financial goals and objectives above everything else.

In this blog post, we will delve into how you can find the right financial advisor in Greenville, SC, including:

  • DIY Investing or Collaborate with a Greenville Financial Advisor?
  • Understanding the Fiduciary Standard
  • Understanding Fee-Only Services
  • Importance of an Unbiased, Independent Financial Advisor
  • Finding the Right Financial Advisor in Greenville, SC

Considering relocating to South Carolina?  Read our latest Quick Guide on Comprehensive Financial Planning in the Carolinas.


DYI Investing or Collaborate with a Greenville Financial Advisor?

In the initial stages of wealth accumulation, many individuals often manage their finances using a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach. This may stem from a strong desire for direct control of their money or a sense of independence and confidence in their financial acumen. 

However, as your wealth grows, your financial situation can become increasingly complex, involving multiple investment vehicles, tax considerations, estate planning, and other diverse financial considerations. These complexities can necessitate the transition to working with an experienced financial professional. 

Despite the control associated with DIY decision-making, shifting the day-to-day responsibilities of your hard-earned wealth to a professional can help safeguard your financial future against potential pitfalls.

Global View’s Advantage: Through our assistance in executing your financial plan and investment strategy, we can help you accumulate more wealth than you might achieve on your own.

Understanding the Fiduciary Standard

Fiduciary Investment Advisors are required to act in the best interests of their clients, prioritizing the client's needs over their own. This means they must provide advice and services that reflect their client’s goals, risk tolerances, and financial circumstances. A fiduciary is a person who holds a position of trust. This is the highest ethical standard in the financial service industry.  

Working with a fiduciary financial advisor can be particularly beneficial for high-earning professionals. The complexity of managing large sums of money in sophisticated investment portfolios can be significantly reduced with the help of a fiduciary who also provides comprehensive financial planning. 

In a city like Greenville, SC, where many high-earning professionals reside, working with a local fiduciary advisor can provide a path toward pursuing your financial goals of security with a comfortable lifestyle.

Global View’s Advantage: The roots of our organization trace back to a Wall Street firm, where we were privy to the industry's inner workings. We were subjected to relentless pressure to reach certain 'production' targets, generating the requisite fees and commissions to satisfy the demands of our publicly-traded parent company. Rather than focusing on the aspirations of our clients, our attention was forcibly steered toward the company's objectives. We recognized the need for a better approach, so we broke away to establish Global View.

Understanding Fee-Only Services

A fee-only financial advisor is compensated directly by their clients for their advice and services without receiving commissions or incentives for selling financial products or generating transactions (buys, sells). This model, often structured as flat fees, hourly rates, or a percentage of assets under management, is designed to eliminate potential conflicts of interest because advisors are motivated to act solely in the best financial interest of their clients.

Fee-only financial advisory firms are more likely to offer a broader range of investment options tailored to your specific needs and goals rather than being restricted to pushing certain products or services where they are compensated with commissions by third parties.  

Global View’s Advantage: Global View Investment Advisors is a fiduciary firm that charges fees. Rather than engaging in sales, our primary role is to deliver informed advice tailored to the needs of our clients. Third parties never compensate us, ensuring we focus exclusively on identifying the most beneficial investments to meet your requirements. Prioritizing your needs over ours is at the heart of our practice, and we firmly believe that by operating this way, we can all mutually benefit over longer time periods. 

Importance of an Unbiased and Independent Financial Advisor

Imagine your financial advisor as a guide helping you navigate the tricky terrains of investments, retirement planning, tax planning, and more. Suppose your guide is influenced by generating specific product commissions or works for a particular financial institution with management layers and the pressure of producing profits for shareholders. If that were the case, they might recommend a more beneficial path for them and their firm rather than you. 

But they can focus solely on what's best for you if they're independent and unbiased. Independent financial advisors can access vast amounts of investment research and aren't limited to any specific company's products, so they can tailor a financial plan that perfectly fits your needs. It's like having a personal shopper set on finding the best deal for you rather than being tied to the products of a single store. 

Global View’s Advantage: We use the same investments in our portfolios as in our clients. If we utilize external funds, the managers of those funds invest their own money in tandem with our clients. This approach, known as "skin in the game," is quite uncommon in the Wall Street arena. However, it lets our clients know that we're also financially vested alongside them.

Finding the Right Financial Advisor in Greenville, SC

Finding the right financial advisor in Greenville, SC, can be essential for successfully navigating retirement and pursuing your long-term financial goals. When seeking a financial professional, consider these important factors:

  • Do they align with your values?
  • What are their sources of expertise? Degrees, certifications, years of relevant experience??  
  • Have they worked in various market conditions (up, down, flat)?
  • Are they acknowledged as financial fiduciaries?
  • How are they compensated, and by whom?
  • Do they have any compliance/regulatory disclosures (firm, professionals)?

Global View’s Advantage: We started Global View to support investors like you. Our advice matters only when we're truly on your side. That's when our advice becomes meaningful and genuine. We believe in collaboration with our clients so you have a financial partner focused on pursuing your goals. Interested in learning more about Global View?  Let’s connect today.